How Aeration Works
Aeration removes thousands of small cores of soil 1" to 3" in length from your lawn.  These cores "melt" back into the lawn after a few rainfalls, mixing with whatever thatch exists on your lawn.  The holes created by aeration catch fertilizer and water.  Turf roots naturally grow toward these growth pockets and thicken in the process.  Aeration holes also relieve pressure from compacted soils, letting oxygen and water move more freely into the root zone.
Regular Aeration Can Help Avoid Costly Lawn Renovation
Thatch on your lawn works like a thatched roof.  This layer of roots, stems and other plant parts sheds water and prevents fertilizers and insect controls from moving freely into the soil.  Thatch that is too heavy can make major lawn renovation necessary.  regular aeration helps thatch break down naturally by mixing the soil cores into the thatch and speeding up decomposition.  Performed once or twice per year, aeration significantly reduces thatch and improves turf growth.

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