So, you have a question?  Well, here is your answer. 
If you have questions that are not on here, please email us and ask.  If we don't have the answer, we will find someone who does.
What is the 1/3 Rule all about?
This rule is very important and will help maintain the health and look of your lawn.  Never cut off more than 1/3 of the grass growth at any one mowing. So if your grass has grown to 3 inches, you may safely remove 1 inch of blade. Mow more than that and you will severely stress your lawn and make it more vulnerable to weeds, diseases, insects, and drought. If you've been away for awhile and your lawn has grown very tall, adhere to that 1/3 rule. Mow 1/3 one day, wait a few days, mow another 1/3 and so on until the desired height is reached.
Here are some common regional grasses and the heights that they should be maintained at.
  • Bahia  - 2 to 3 inches
  • Bermuda - 1/2 to 1 inch
  • St. Augustine - 2 to 3 inches
  • Zoysia - 1/2 to 1 inches
Does the planting depth really matter?
Yes! If installed below surface level, it will not allow enough oxygen to get down to the roots of the plant resulting in failing health and eventual death. In general plants should be installed with approximately 20% of the root ball above grade. Do not cover the exposed root ball with soil. Instead use a thin layer of mulch (one to two inches thick maximum) to help retain moisture and inhibit weed growth.
How much mulch should I use around my shrubs and trees?
Overmulching trees and shrubs is occuring in epidemic proportions.  The proper depth of mulch should be 3-4".  Each year some of the old mulch should be taken out and top-dressed with new.
How long does it take for a plant to become established?
The term "established" refers to the point at which a newly planted tree, shrub, accent, or ground cover begins to produce new growth. New growth appears as fresh foliage or new stems. Typically, the root system of a shrub will be well established after one year. A tree will be well established after three years. New plantings need to be watered more frequently than established plants.
What are the advantages of having a digital controller?
New digital controllers are designed for better water conservation. They give you more precise scheduling of watering times.
What do I need a rain sensor for?
Rain sensors which automatically shuts the system down at a certain rain fall. This will save you money, since you will not be over-watering.  Most have a built in lightning protection and also include a battery back up for power outages.

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